Peak of the mountain

You cannot fulfill your destiny if you are just struggling day by day to survive.

Don’t think about next day – it will surely be painful, but you will be ready for it. Not now, but when the time comes.

Think of ten years ahead. Where do you want to be? Think of the peak of the mountain.

Look up. Look above treetops, above rooftops, above the horizon. Look up and see. Your mission, your goal, your dream.

It is there on the peak of the mountain. From that peak you will cast shadow on the clouds under your feet, you will swallow the wind into your lungs and you will shout your victorious battle-cry.

You will be king of the world, because you have mastered your life.

step by stepBut first you need to get there.

So now look down.

Look at your feet, and start pushing forward.

Step by step.

In front of your eyes it is just dirt.

But it will be the peak of the mountain that you will see.


Just remember where you are heading.

Radosław Scheller


There will be a time when you will be alone. You will not avoid it.

There will be time when you will be abandoned, forgotten, left astray…

Maybe there are people around you that love you, but there will be time when they will be gone. Maybe you will have to take that challenge, change your job, you town, your country, your life. Maybe you will dip into failure, and the ones who had your back will turn it on you. Maybe you will achieve success and the ones whom you cherished will not recognize you anymore.

You will be left alone. No matter how hard you will try, you will have to face it eventually.

Maybe you will get sick. Maybe you will get misunderstood. Maybe you will have an accident. Maybe you will get old and everyone who ever mattered will just fade away.

No matter what happens, this time will come some day.  You will be alone.

And then you will have to do it.

Play with open cards. Take the veil off and look into your own heart. It is then, when the answer to this one question will define on how this loneliness will treat you:


Did I live my life true to myself or was my life just a mere reflection in the eyes of the others?

Radek from the Blue Moon